What I've Learned So Far
Hey You,
Did you know, when someone says to "love yourself a little bit more" that it actually means to care more about your health and life? I saw a post the other day that said "fake it until you make it. You have to act, think, and feel as if you are already in the position you want to be in. Think about the things you would do if you were to be in that position, then do it". It was something along the lines of that.
Love Yourself first. Loving yourself actually means putting yourself before others. You have to love yourself enough to spend time and money on you. Often times, people are worried about hanging out with friends on the weekends, having to pay bills, or planning meet ups with family. With all these events, your hands are completely tied and your planner is overflowed- you have no time at all for you. Imagine if you had three friends over and you want to pour a drink for all of you. However, you only have three cups. You have to make a sacrifice and most people will often sacrifice themselves. Therefore, they wouldn't get a cup to drink. You have to learn to put yourself before others. If you are a people pleaser, learn to only please those who will benefit you back. What's the point of having friends when all they do is smooch off of you and use you? That's no friend, that's a leech. Treat yourself to a nice mani-pedi once in a while, go get a facial, try that new massage place, buy the shoes you've been dying to have. Care for your own happiness because in the end, it's nobody else's life but your own. Find the time to have a girl's day or better yet, your own time. Indulge yourself in a book, meditate for an hour, learn who your inner self is, and love your soul.
Set Goals. In the years as I'm getting older, I start to realize many things. As every year passes, people used to always have a "New Year's Resolution, in which they would spend the year hoping to change for the better. However, the downfall of this is they do well for the first one or two months and then fall back into their same old habits. There's a saying that goes, "If it doesn't work, change it". If your life isn't going the route you want it to, steer it towards the direction you want to go. I always hear people say "I can't", "I don't have enough money to", "how do I start?", etc. People are always afraid of failure therefore, they fear themselves from taking a leap.
Don't complain. Being negative leads you no where but more problems and bigger issues. I spend my weekends engaged with a group of people I never met- books. I changed my surrounding and the people I spend the most time with to benefit my life. I listen to podcasts of successful people who I choose to be my mentors. The greatest one of all is Grant Cardone who is on his road to being a billionaire. While on the way of doing so, he's teaching anyone who wants to learn how to become a millionaire. Why do I listen to him? Because the guy already is a multi-millionaire. You have to change the lifestyle your living if you want to live a better life. You ever hear the type of people who do nothing but complain why their life isn't great, drinks all the time, always late on bills, party on the weekends and say "how come I'm broke?". If you count the top five people you spend the most time with, that is who and what your life says about you.
Show Gratitude. Being grateful was one thing I slowly recently started to understand more and really appreciate. Showing gratitude brought happiness, peace, wealth, fame, and love into my life. When you state the things you are grateful for, you are allowing yourself to be aware of the the things that you already have. The more you are grateful, the more you will get in return. The best way is to wake up every morning, telling yourself 1-2 things you're grateful for. At night, you'd do the same right before you go to bed.
Affirmations. You are what you think and say you are. Many times, we comment on a post on social media about how great someone looks then we compare them to ourselves. Who says social media rules what perfect looks are supposed to be like? Who said models are the prettiest people alive? These are all opinions. If you think other people are so great, then how come you don't think you are? Learn to affirm positive things about you and the things that you do or want. "I am beautiful", "I am rich", "I am no longer a smoker", "I am not an angry person", "I am a successful business owner", "I am famous", and the list goes on forever. Every day we tell ourselves "I'm lazy", "I'm broke", "I can't", "I'm tired", "I give up"... nothing but negative things that drags us down. You see, we are a magnet to this world. We give off a vibration that pulls things towards us. You know the saying, "like attracts like"? Well negative attracts negative. Some people wonder why their lives suck yet they sit there complaining 24/7 of any chance they get.
Plan Ahead. Life always get messy. If you don't know how to organize your life, you end up in a blackhole full of stress over your head. I love using a planner because it allows me to plan my day out for the week. Due to that, I'm able to use my time more efficiently and more wisely. I'll know when I'd be free, when to eat, when to play, when to work, and when to rest. You also want to always think outside the box, into the bigger picture to plan for what's ahead. Think what you or where you want to be in two years. Then think in the next five years. You use your thinking as a motivation to help you grow more and more as time progresses. Don't just wake up everyday living the same life and same routine. That means your life is on pause and isn't moving no where.
Everyday is a new learning process. It really is true, you really never stop learning. Knowledge is power and only the wise who read will know that. As for those reading this now, stay wise young grasshopper.
Until next time,
Rose <3
Did you know, when someone says to "love yourself a little bit more" that it actually means to care more about your health and life? I saw a post the other day that said "fake it until you make it. You have to act, think, and feel as if you are already in the position you want to be in. Think about the things you would do if you were to be in that position, then do it". It was something along the lines of that.
Love Yourself first. Loving yourself actually means putting yourself before others. You have to love yourself enough to spend time and money on you. Often times, people are worried about hanging out with friends on the weekends, having to pay bills, or planning meet ups with family. With all these events, your hands are completely tied and your planner is overflowed- you have no time at all for you. Imagine if you had three friends over and you want to pour a drink for all of you. However, you only have three cups. You have to make a sacrifice and most people will often sacrifice themselves. Therefore, they wouldn't get a cup to drink. You have to learn to put yourself before others. If you are a people pleaser, learn to only please those who will benefit you back. What's the point of having friends when all they do is smooch off of you and use you? That's no friend, that's a leech. Treat yourself to a nice mani-pedi once in a while, go get a facial, try that new massage place, buy the shoes you've been dying to have. Care for your own happiness because in the end, it's nobody else's life but your own. Find the time to have a girl's day or better yet, your own time. Indulge yourself in a book, meditate for an hour, learn who your inner self is, and love your soul.
Set Goals. In the years as I'm getting older, I start to realize many things. As every year passes, people used to always have a "New Year's Resolution, in which they would spend the year hoping to change for the better. However, the downfall of this is they do well for the first one or two months and then fall back into their same old habits. There's a saying that goes, "If it doesn't work, change it". If your life isn't going the route you want it to, steer it towards the direction you want to go. I always hear people say "I can't", "I don't have enough money to", "how do I start?", etc. People are always afraid of failure therefore, they fear themselves from taking a leap.
Don't complain. Being negative leads you no where but more problems and bigger issues. I spend my weekends engaged with a group of people I never met- books. I changed my surrounding and the people I spend the most time with to benefit my life. I listen to podcasts of successful people who I choose to be my mentors. The greatest one of all is Grant Cardone who is on his road to being a billionaire. While on the way of doing so, he's teaching anyone who wants to learn how to become a millionaire. Why do I listen to him? Because the guy already is a multi-millionaire. You have to change the lifestyle your living if you want to live a better life. You ever hear the type of people who do nothing but complain why their life isn't great, drinks all the time, always late on bills, party on the weekends and say "how come I'm broke?". If you count the top five people you spend the most time with, that is who and what your life says about you.
Show Gratitude. Being grateful was one thing I slowly recently started to understand more and really appreciate. Showing gratitude brought happiness, peace, wealth, fame, and love into my life. When you state the things you are grateful for, you are allowing yourself to be aware of the the things that you already have. The more you are grateful, the more you will get in return. The best way is to wake up every morning, telling yourself 1-2 things you're grateful for. At night, you'd do the same right before you go to bed.
Affirmations. You are what you think and say you are. Many times, we comment on a post on social media about how great someone looks then we compare them to ourselves. Who says social media rules what perfect looks are supposed to be like? Who said models are the prettiest people alive? These are all opinions. If you think other people are so great, then how come you don't think you are? Learn to affirm positive things about you and the things that you do or want. "I am beautiful", "I am rich", "I am no longer a smoker", "I am not an angry person", "I am a successful business owner", "I am famous", and the list goes on forever. Every day we tell ourselves "I'm lazy", "I'm broke", "I can't", "I'm tired", "I give up"... nothing but negative things that drags us down. You see, we are a magnet to this world. We give off a vibration that pulls things towards us. You know the saying, "like attracts like"? Well negative attracts negative. Some people wonder why their lives suck yet they sit there complaining 24/7 of any chance they get.
Plan Ahead. Life always get messy. If you don't know how to organize your life, you end up in a blackhole full of stress over your head. I love using a planner because it allows me to plan my day out for the week. Due to that, I'm able to use my time more efficiently and more wisely. I'll know when I'd be free, when to eat, when to play, when to work, and when to rest. You also want to always think outside the box, into the bigger picture to plan for what's ahead. Think what you or where you want to be in two years. Then think in the next five years. You use your thinking as a motivation to help you grow more and more as time progresses. Don't just wake up everyday living the same life and same routine. That means your life is on pause and isn't moving no where.
Everyday is a new learning process. It really is true, you really never stop learning. Knowledge is power and only the wise who read will know that. As for those reading this now, stay wise young grasshopper.
Until next time,
Rose <3
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